
    What is Notable? Unlock the potential of e-NFTs

    ByTrang Ha11/06/2024
    In the dynamic and fast-paced world of cryptocurrency, platforms that offer unique and valuable features quickly rise to prominence. One such platform that has been garnering significant attention is Notable. But what exactly is Notable, and why is it making waves in the crypto community? This article will provide an in-depth look at Notable.

    1. What is Notable?

    What is Notable?
    What is Notable?

    1.1. What is an e-NFT?

    An Experience NFT (e-NFT) grants the holder the right to participate in a real-life experience, either physical or digital, with the Creator who minted it. The owner can choose to redeem the e-NFT, thereby "burning" it, to enjoy the associated experience. Alternatively, the owner can keep the token in their wallet as an investment in the Creator's career, with the potential to sell it later at a higher value.

    1.2. What is Notable?

    Notable is the first experience-based NFT marketplace that enables creators to monetize their fame by offering NFTs tied to real-life experiences, providing a novel way for people to invest in their favorite personalities.

    Users can buy tokens that grant the right to a 1-hour call with their favorite influencer. They can either redeem the token to enjoy this unique experience or hold onto it, with the potential to sell it later at a higher price if the influencer's popularity rises.

    1.3. Vision of Notable

    The vision of Notable is to transform into a comprehensive Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO), where holders of the native BEP20 token, NBL, will be empowered with governance rights. This transition aims to occur after achieving a substantial user base and standardizing operations. 

    By participating in Notable, NBL holders will have the opportunity to influence the platform's direction and growth, both in the present and future. This initiative is part of a broader ambition to revolutionize the concept of value within the NFT marketplace, inviting everyone to be a part of this transformative journey.

    2. Key features of Notable

    Notable stands out in the NFT marketplace with its unique approach to tokenization, emphasizing real-world value and secure trading experiences. Here are its key features:

    • Real-value backed NFTs: Tokens minted on Notable must be tied to tangible real-world value, such as an hour of advisory services or access to an exclusive event.

    • Value exchange platform: Users can easily and securely mint and trade Experience-NFTs on Notable, facilitating a new way of exchanging value.

    • Blockchain-secured transactions: All marketplace transactions are managed and settled on the Binance Smart Chain, ensuring maximum security and decentralization for every transaction.

    3. Team

    Team of Notable

    4. Partnerships 


    5. Tokenomics

    5.1. General information

    • Name: Notable Token 

    • Ticker: NBL

    • Token Network: BEP20

    • Blockchain: Binance Smart Chain

    • Contract: 0xFAA0fC7B803919B091dBe5FF709b2dAbb61b93d9

    • Total Supply: 100,000,000 NBL

    • Circulating Supply: Updating…

    5.2. Token allocation

    Token allocation of Notable
    Token allocation

    5.3. Token payment schedule 

    Token payment schedule of Notable
    Token payment schedule

    5.4. Token use case

    • Token holders gain exclusive access to drops, listings, and special events, providing a sense of exclusivity and early access to potential investment opportunities. 

    • A higher ranking on the marketplace not only improves visibility but also potentially increases the chances of sales. 

    • For creators, advanced features and customization options for their profile pages allow for a more personalized and professional presentation of their work. 

    • Staking rewards serve as an incentive for users to hold onto their tokens, while reduced fees make transactions more cost-effective. 

    • Creators benefit from increased royalties on future NFT trades, ensuring they continue to earn from their creations long after the initial sale.

    6. Project information

    7. Roadmap


    8. FAQs

    1. What do I need to start using Notable as a user?

    To begin using Notable, you just need a crypto wallet (popular options include Metamask, Trust, and SafePal, among others). Click the "Connect" button in the upper right corner, accept the Terms & Conditions, and your address will be linked to your personal profile, allowing you to start using the platform.

    2. How can I buy or sell an e-NFT?

    To explore the available e-NFTs, click on the "Explore" button to view the complete list. If a seller has set a price, you can purchase the NFT immediately by clicking the "Buy Now" button. Alternatively, you can place a bid with your preferred price, and if the seller accepts it, the transaction will be completed automatically, charging your account and transferring the token to your wallet. Payments are made in USDT (a Binance USD-pegged stablecoin), and blockchain fees are deducted from your wallet's BNB balance.

    9. Conclusion

    Notable is a comprehensive and user-friendly solution for those interested in the burgeoning world of experience NFTs. By facilitating seamless transactions, integrating with popular crypto wallets, and hosting exciting events, Notable is set to revolutionize how digital experiences are created, bought, and sold. Whether you are a creator looking to monetize your unique experiences or a user eager to explore and own exclusive content, Notable offers a robust and engaging platform to meet your needs.

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    Trang Ha

    Trang Ha

    Content Writter of Bigcoin Vietnam

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