1. About Worldcoin $WLD airdrops

Worldcoin $WLD airdrops are distribution events where free tokens, specifically Worldcoin $WLD or related assets, are sent directly to participants’ wallet addresses within the cryptocurrency community. This distribution strategy is designed to increase awareness of the token and expand its reach. These airdrops often coincide with the launch of new projects, blockchain forks, or promotional activities, effectively putting the digital asset into the hands of potential users.
In the crypto world, airdrops are often seen as windfalls, much like unexpected gifts. However, to participate effectively, it’s essential to have a solid understanding of wallet management and the security measures needed to protect digital assets. For recipients, the appeal lies in receiving digital assets without the need to make a direct purchase. That said, caution is crucial, as some airdrops may have hidden agendas, such as artificially inflating token supply or attempting to exploit unsuspecting recipients through phishing scams or other fraudulent tactics.
2. Guide to claim your monthly WLD Airdrop
Here’s a detailed guide on how to claim your monthly WLD airdrop:
Step 1: Download a Compatible Wallet
To begin claiming your monthly WLD airdrop, you’ll first need to download a World ID-compatible wallet, such as the World App. This wallet is developed by Tools for Humanity, a key contributor to the project.
Step 2: Verify Your World ID
To ensure fairness and prevent fraud, you'll need to verify your identity with World ID at an orb. This verification helps keep your identity and actions private, while ensuring only one claim per person.
To find orb verification locations, check the World App or visit the Worldcoin website.
Step 3: Register for the WLD Airdrop
Once your World ID is verified and you have the World App wallet installed, you can register for the WLD airdrop within the app. After registration, you’ll be assigned the total amount of WLD tokens you’re eligible to claim over the next 12 months (currently, 65 WLD tokens as of this publication).
It’s important to note that the earlier you register, the higher the number of tokens you’ll receive over the course of the year. Even if you haven’t verified your World ID yet, you can still see the number of WLD tokens you would be eligible to claim.
Step 4: Claim Your First Share of Tokens
After registering, your first portion of WLD tokens will be available to claim within 24 hours. Simply verify your identity with your World ID to claim the tokens directly to your wallet.
Step 5: Claim Your Remaining Tokens Monthly
Your remaining WLD tokens will gradually unlock over the next year. Each month, on the anniversary of your registration for the airdrop, a new portion of your tokens will be unlocked and available for you to claim using your World ID.
Any unlocked tokens that are not claimed within the following month will expire and return to the community pool, so make sure to claim them before the expiration.
The World App allows you to track your progress, see your total assigned WLD, and know when your next set of tokens will unlock. You can also set reminders to help you remember to claim them.
3. Important Updates to the WLD Airdrop
Starting August 1, 2024, the monthly WLD airdrop will replace the previously bi-weekly WLD grants. For those who are already orb-verified, the only change will be the new monthly schedule, which aims to make the process more consistent and easier to remember.
Please note that the WLD Airdrop is operated by the Worldcoin Foundation and may be subject to change or cancellation at the Foundation’s discretion.
4. Conclusion
By following these steps, you can easily claim your monthly WLD airdrop and ensure you're making the most of your World ID and the benefits it offers. Make sure to stay updated on any changes to the process to continue receiving your tokens without interruption!
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