
    6 strategies to earn passive income through Crypto

    In today’s society, most people strive to learn how to earn money, but few learn how to make money work for them. Instead of constantly chasing after earning money, learn how to make your money work for you by following these strategies:


    1.The secret to jewish wealth: “make money more than save”

    Surely, many of us have heard about the exceptional talent and brilliance of the Jewish people, who are among the highest IQ groups in the world. The Jews have famously held the belief that “Never let money sit idly and sleep,” always keep money in circulation and continuously put it to use to generate more money. 

    For many people, saving money to earn annual interest might seem like the best way to make extra profits without doing anything. However, in reality, money deposited in a bank does not provide real value; it merely compensates for annual inflation. Thus, it cannot be considered a profit. Moreover, many people are so cautious about spending that they save excessively, which in essence means they are only saving for poverty and illness.

    Let your money work for you instead of working for money

    Let your money work for you instead of working for money

    2.Never let your money sit idle

    Most people believe that keeping money in a bank is a wise way to generate passive income. However, as mentioned earlier, saving money in a bank means letting it sit idly and not earning significant returns, as it only compensates for the annual inflation rate.

    Most of the world’s billionaires always look for ways to keep their money “in motion” almost 100% of the time, rather than just depositing it in a bank. We should diversify our money into different investment categories to optimize returns effectively. While saving is a relatively safe form of generating passive income, as we know, overly safe strategies often struggle to deliver substantial growth. Therefore, spreading money across various profitable investments, such as gold, real estate, bonds, stocks, and cryptocurrencies, can significantly enhance its value.

    Tiền đẻ ra tiền

    Learn to diversify your investment portfolio for optimal financial growth

    3. Investing in yourself is always a profitable investment

    There is a saying: "Only when you know how to spend money, will you have the motivation to earn money." Instead of constantly focusing on ways to save, depriving yourself to save a small amount, you should learn how to spend money wisely. This will significantly boost your motivation to earn more.

    Spending on essential needs such as food, health, and entertainment should not be done stingily. Investing in yourself, both in terms of health and intellect, is always the most valuable investment. When you are strong internally, your ability to earn money and create value increases.

    When you haven't been exposed to the best things, you will never truly understand what your ultimate goal of earning money is.

    Learn to spend money before learning to make money

    Learn to spend money before learning to make money

    4. Any relationship can potentially bring you money

    Learn how to build relationships with those around you. Everyone you meet in life has their own strengths. Continuously expand your network of "good" connections, associate with outstanding individuals, and learn from their strengths.

    Expanding your relationships across various social strata will broaden your perspective in all aspects, allowing you to explore new fields and markets. Every person who appears in your life is there to teach you something.

    Keep an open mind, be willing to embrace new experiences, and learn continuously.

    Embrace and Learn to build relationships around you

    Embrace and Learn to build relationships around you

    5. Time is Money

    Time is the one thing that cannot be reclaimed. Every moment we let slip by is an opportunity lost to create value. The Jewish perspective holds that “Money can be saved, but time cannot.”

    You can know exactly how much money you have, but no one knows the exact duration of a person’s life. We might come up with countless ideas if our time were infinite, but time is always finite. If we do not act promptly and value each moment of our lives to create value, even having more time than others can still result in a wasted life.

    That’s why, despite having the same amount of time, some people reach the pinnacle of success while others continue to struggle with their lives.

    Time is Money

    Time is Money

    6. Making Other People’s Money Work for You

    It might seem counterintuitive, but in reality, the world’s most exceptional individuals can turn other people’s money into a money-making machine for themselves.

    What matters most is the idea. For those who have a compelling idea, money or capital is not a problem. Even if you lack capital, if you have an idea strong enough to persuade others and demonstrate its value, securing investment from other people's funds becomes incredibly simple. The world is not short on money; it’s short on people who know how to make it.

    Moreover, wealthy individuals often know how to continuously create “good debt.” Good debt is when the capital from the debt generates profits that exceed the cost of that debt. This is one of the classic strategies for making other people’s money work for you.

    Continuously Increase Good Debt

    Continuously Increase Good Debt


    7. Kết luận

    Here are some tips to help make "money make money." We hope this article provides useful information for readers.

    Wishing you success in setting up your personal financial plan.

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