
    Instructions for transferring NFTs between wallets

    ByElly Nguyen09/02/2023
    Discussions about NFTs and their potential evoke interest in the technical side. NFTs appeared in mainstream media in the early months of 2021, when an NFT artwork sold for nearly $70 million. At this point, people not only see NFTs as magical assets but also want to learn how NFTs work and methods to transfer NFTs to other wallets. The following article will provide the most common methods for transferring NFTs between wallets.
    Instructions for transferring NFTs between wallets
    Instructions for transferring NFTs between wallets

    1. Send NFT to another Wallet

    The first and most common scenario for any NFT owner is to send NFTs from his wallet to another wallet. Cryptocurrency wallets like Solana's Phantom Wallet and Metamask wallet are quite popular options for holding NFTs. Before looking for specific methods to transfer NFTs, you must know the general steps to transfer NFTs from one crypto wallet to another. Below are simple steps describing how to transfer NFTs to another wallet.

    • Visit the NFT tab in the cryptocurrency wallet and select the NFT you want to transfer.
    • Select “Send” and provide the recipient's address or ENS.
    • Confirm transaction.

    These three steps are fundamental in the process of transferring NFTs to a wallet. These steps can help ensure safe NFT transfer to the recipient's wallet. However, it is important to determine the most important factor to ensure a successful NFT transfer process, which is the recipient's address.

    Before confirming an NFT transfer, you must check the recipient's wallet address. A small error in the recipient's wallet address could send the NFT to the wrong wallet address permanently, with no chance of recovery. Therefore, you should be careful and double-check the recipient's wallet address before transferring the NFT.

    2. Use cases of transferring NFTs to wallets

    Sending NFTs from an NFT marketplace to a cryptocurrency wallet is probably the most common use case of transferring NFTs to a wallet. As of now, the most famous wallets for NFT holders are Metamask and Phantom Wallet.

    Additionally, transferring NFTs from NFT marketplaces to hardware wallets is also common. Below is an outline of several methods for transferring NFTs to different wallets.

    2.1. Transfer NFTs from OpenSea to Metamask

    OpenSea is the largest and most popular NFT marketplace today. If you want to know how to transfer NFTs from OpenSea to Metamask, you can follow these steps.

    • Log in to OpenSea NFT marketplace.
    • Select the NFT you want to transfer.
    • Enter the public wallet address where you want to send the NFT. You must provide your Metamask public wallet address in this section.
    • Confirm fee payment to secure NFT transfer. Select “Confirm” and the OpenSea NFT marketplace will transfer the NFT to the wallet immediately. NFT transfers only proceed after payment of fees.

    2.2. Transfer NFTs to Phantom Wallet

    Another popular crypto wallet option for NFT holders is Solana's Phantom Wallet. Phantom Wallet is designed for assets compatible with the Solana blockchain. Below are the steps to send NFTs to Phantom Wallet.

    • Go to Phantom Wallet and select “NFT Collection”.
    • Select the NFT you want to send to the Phantom wallet address.
    • Enter the recipient's Phantom Wallet address.
    • The NFT transfer process will require network fees. Confirm network fee payment by selecting “Submit”.

    2.3. Transfer NFTs to Metamask from Binance

    Transferring NFTs between wallets is not limited to transferring NFTs from NFT marketplaces to wallets. While transferring NFTs from OpenSea to Metamask or Phantom Wallet gives an overview of the process, you need to learn about transferring NFTs from one wallet to another.

    The following example is about transferring NFTs from Binance to the Metamask wallet.

    • Log in to your Binance NFT account through the User Center.
    • Select NFT to transfer. You can select the NFT token ID if you want to transfer multiple NFTs from a single collection. The product page can help you find the token ID when you click on the NFT.
    • Review the NFT's network and provide transfer fees in the network's native currency from the wallet. Money transfer prices can vary significantly depending on the level of network congestion.
    • Enter the public Metamask wallet address you want to transfer the NFT to and click Send.
    • You can find NFTs in the new Metamask wallet in about a few minutes.

    2.4. Transfer NFTs from OpenSea to Ledger

    Additionally, learning how to transfer NFTs to a Hardware Wallet is also important. Here's an example of how to transfer NFTs from the OpenSea NFT marketplace to the Ledger hardware wallet.

    • Confirm that the Ledger hardware wallet device has an updated version of the Ethereum application. Additionally, you must also verify whether blind signing is active on the device.
    • Visit the OpenSea NFT marketplace and connect the Ledger hardware wallet using Metamask.
    • Open the Metamask browser extension with your credentials to access your Ledger Metamask account.
    • Select Metamask from the wallet on the OpenSea website in the Metamask window.
    • Connect your Ledger Metamask account to OpenSea. Metamask helps effectively integrate OpenSea with Ledger Ethereum accounts.
    • Visit the OpenSea website and select the Profile option, where the Ledger NFT collection and transferred NFTs are stored.

    3. Important things to keep in mind when transferring NFTs between wallets

    Simple methods for sending NFTs to other wallets make it easier for everyone to handle NFTs. However, you must be careful of certain risks during the process of transferring NFTs between wallets. First of all, you should never reveal your secret recovery phrase to anyone. Additionally, you must be careful about the accuracy of the recipient's public wallet address in NFT transfers. Most importantly, wait for payment confirmation before transferring NFTs to another wallet.

    4. Conclusion

    Ways to transfer NFTs to wallets serve users' practical needs. NFTs are an interesting asset class, and their adoption depends largely on ease of use. Transferring NFTs between wallets is essential for every NFT owner.

    Current technology trends focus more on web3 and how it can transform the future. Because NFTs play an integral role in the web3 ecosystem, learning about them is important. Keep exploring to learn more about NFTs and what they actually mean.

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    Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only, not financial advice. Join the Bigcoinchat chat group to update the latest information about the market.

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    Elly Nguyen

    Elly Nguyen

    Builder at Bigcoin - Learning to share, sharing to learn

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